Sunday, June 5, 2011

Climate Holocaust, Climate Genocide

Climate Holocaust and Climate Genocide.

Leading climate scientists, climate economists, climate analysts and world figures predict a massive death toll about 10 billion people this century from unaddressed, man-made global warming (see “Climate Genocide”: ).

Both Dr James Lovelock FRS (Gaia hypothesis) and Professor Kevin Anderson ( Director, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Manchester, UK) have recently estimated that only about 0.5 billion people will survive this century due to unaddressed, man-made global warming – noting that the world population is expected to reach 9.5 billion by 2050, these estimates translate to a climate genocide involving deaths of 10 billion people this century, this including 6 billion under-5 year old infants, 3 billion Muslims in a terminal Muslim Holocaust, 2 billion Indians, 1.3 billion non-Arab Africans, 0.5 billion Bengalis, 0.3 billion Pakistanis and 0.3 billion Bangladeshis. [1].

Already 16 million people (about 9.5 million of them under-5 year old infants) die avoidably every year due to deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease – and man-made global warming is already clearly worsening this global avoidable mortality holocaust. However 10 billion avoidable deaths due to global warming this century yields an average annual avoidable death rate of 100 million per year. [2].

Collective, national responsibility for this already commenced Climate Holocaust is in direct proportion to per capita national pollution of the atmosphere with greenhouse gases (GHGs). Indeed, fundamental to any international agreement on national rights to pollute our common atmosphere and oceans should be the belief that “all men are created equal”. However reality is otherwise: “annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution” in units of “tonnes CO2-equivalent per person per year” (2005-2008 data) is 0.9 (Bangladesh), 0.9 (Pakistan), 2.2 (India), less than 3 (many African and Island countries), 3.2 (the Developing World), 5.5 (China), 6.7 (the World), 11 (Europe), 16 (the Developed World), 27 (the US) and 30 (Australia; or 54 if Australia’s huge Exported CO2 pollution is included). [3, 4].

However there is also a past carbon pollution debt for carbon pollution from the start of the Industrial Revolution 2 centuries ago. European First World countries are responsible for about 73% of historical carbon pollution of the atmosphere from 1751-2006,with India, Japan and China contributing 2.5%, 3.9% and 8.2%, respectively. [5].

A further measure of responsibility into the future comes from proposals to limit GHG pollution put to the recent Copenhagen Climate Conference (COP15) that was successfully sabotaged by 2 of the World’s worst per capita GHG polluters, Australia and the US, acting in collaboration with other major polluters.

The fairest plan at the Copenhagen Climate Conference (COP15) has been the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) proposal for "55% of 1990 levels by 2020 for Developed Countries" which means that Developed Countries’ per capita would go from 16 to 6.5 tonnes CO2-e per person per year while Developing Countries would "in aggregate aim to achieve significant deviations from baselines by 2020” i.e. less than a predicted 3.8 for the Developing World by 2020. [6].

The UN Draft Proposal is for a less just Developed 2020 per capita of 7.1- 8.9 from the present 16 but the US has proposed a 2020 per capita for itself of 12.4 from its current 27. [6].

The most unjust plan at Copenhagen comes from world's worst per capita GHG polluter, Australia, which has made a highly conditional best offer of "75% of 2000 value by 2020" which would mean that Australia's domestic per capita would go from 30 to 17.2 in 2020 and its domestic plus exported per capita would INCREASE 15% from 54 to 62 tonnes CO2-e per person per year in 2020. [4, 6, 7].

Holocaust simply means death of a huge number of people as exampled by the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million people killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation), the WW2 Holocaust in general (30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies killed), the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death by the British) and the 35 million Chinese killed associated with the Japanese occupation of China in the1930s and 1940s. [2].

However the definition of “genocide” by Article 2 of the UN Genocide Convention involves Assessment of “intent’ by those responsible: states “In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such: a) Killing members of the group; b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” [8].

“Intent” to commit mass murder is only rarely explicitly expressed. Thus British writer, patriot and genocidal racist Charles Dickens expressed a desire to exterminate the Indian people after the so-called Indian Mutiny of 1857:: “I wish I were Commander in Chief over there [India]! I would address that Oriental character which must be powerfully spoken to, in something like the following placard, which should be vigorously translated into all native dialects, “I, The Inimitable, holding this office of mine, and firmly believing that I hold it by the permission of Heaven and not by the appointment of Satan, have the honor to inform you Hindoo gentry that it is my intention, with all possible avoidance of unnecessary cruelty and with all merciful swiftness of execution, to exterminate the Race from the face of the earth, which disfigured the earth with the late abominable atrocities [2,000 British killed in the 1857 Indian War of Independence aka the 1857 Indian Mutiny]”. [9].

In the event, the British killed an estimated 10 million Indians as reprisals for the so-called Indian Mutiny. [10, 11].

“Intent” in genocide can also be established by sustained, remorseless complicity in mass avoidable death – as exampled by Nazi German responsibility for the WW2 Genocide of Slavs, Jews and Gypsies (1939-1945) , Japanese responsibility for the Chinese Genocide of the 1930s and 1940s and British responsibility for the WW2 Bengali Genocide, 1943-1945. [12].

Sustained, remorseless “intent” to kill literally billions of non-Europeans through global warming is apparent in the sustained, remorseless pollution of the a atmosphere by the First World and by First World refusal at the disastrous 2009 Copenhagen Climate Change Conference to emplace legally-binding effective carbon pollution measures in the face of dire warnings from the world scientific community. [13].

Just as violent mass murder, mass paeodocide and genocide invite genocide trials before the International Criminal Court, so does remorseless commitment by the First World to climate holocaust and climate genocide. Indeed a formal complaint has been made to the International Criminal Court over Australian complicity in the ongoing Aboriginal Genocide (9,000 avoidable deaths annually out of an Indigenous Australian population of 0.5 million), Iraqi Genocide (4.4 million violent and non-violent excess deaths, 1990-2009), Afghan Genocide (4.5 million violent and non-violent excess deaths, 2001-2009) and Climate Genocide (10 billion predicted to die this century). [14].

The "Climate Genocide" site (see “Climate Genocide”: ) documents expert, authoritative opinions of leading climate scientists, climate economists, climate analysts and world figures who predict a massive, knowingly and deliberately caused death toll from unaddressed, man-made global warming this century.

[1]. “Climate racism, climate injustice & climate genocide – Australia, US and EU sabotage Copenhagen COP15”: .

[2]. Gideon Polya, “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, G.M. Polya, Melbourne, 2007; see: and ).

[3]. “List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions per capita”: .

[4]. “Climate justice & climate injustice: Australia wants a 2020 per capita GHG pollution 15 times greater than Developing World’s”: .

[5]. Letter to PM Rudd by Dr James Hansen (Head, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies): .

[6]. “Copenhagen Greenhouse Gas reduction proposals - quantitative comparisons”: .

[7]. “Climate racism, climate injustice & climate genocide – Australia, US and EU sabotage Copenhagen COP15”: .

[8]. UN Genocide Convention:

[9]. Grace Moore (2004), Dicken and the Empire. Discourses of class, race, and colonialism in the works of Charles Dickens” (Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, UK): and

[10]. Gideon Polya, “UK BBC holocaust denial”, Countercurrents, : .

[11]. Amaresh Misra, “War of Civilizations: India AD 1857”, Volume I, “The Road to Delhi” & Volume II, “The Long Revolution” (2008) RUPA, India).

[12]. Dr Gideon Polya, Professor Amartya Sen, Dr Sanjoy Bhattacharya et al., BBC (2008), The things we forgot to remember. The Bengal Famine:: ).

[13]. “Copenhagen: “Imperial” climate deal rejected by poor-country delegates”, LINKS, 19 December 2009: .

[14]. Formal complaint to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court re Australian Government involvement in Aboriginal Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide and Climate Genocide: .

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